Project fencing land Lotogou
Loutogu, Togo
Beginning of the project
September 2011
Project duration
6 months
Project status
village growers
Project purpose
protection of cultivated land
Total Cost
5’000 CHF
Supported by
Private financing
Project origins
A recent UN report indicates that on the African continent agriculture employs 57% of total labor, contributing only to the creation of 17% of GDP. In the last 30 years cereal production per inhabitant has increased by only 0.14% compared to an increase in imports of 136%.
In Togo, the primary sector occupies 3/4 of the active population, of which 70% is devoted to agriculture, the largest territorial economic activity, which contributes 40% of GDP and 20% of exports. According to FAO, 3,738,480 people live directly from agriculture.
In this context, 61.7% of the population live below the poverty line (defined as annual per capita income of less than CHF 300 per year) and in some regions like the Savane region located in the extreme north of the country, the rate reaches 90, 5%.
The possibility of undertaking agricultural activity under appropriate conditions, increasing its productivity in a sustainable manner, favoring the livelihood of the population and trade is a central aspect in the context of development cooperation and the main objective of this project.
Project Description
The agriculture in the village of Lotogou is practiced collectively in common fields, the main covers an area of about 1.5 ha.
In particular, women take part in this activity, among them there are 56 widows, gathered in a "Le Groupement des veuves Timombe de Lotogou" association, which manages their production and trade.
The main problem reported by members of the association concerns the nocturnal invasion by livestock in cultivated land due to the precarious fences composed of shrubs.
The damages attributable to this problem are relevant both in terms of production deficit and labor force used in the repair of the continuous damage suffered.
The goal of the project is to build a solid concrete and wire mesh fence around the main field.
Expected and reached results
In the realization of the project the whole population of the Village was involved, demonstrating a spirit of collaboration and surprising solidarity.
Once completed, the fence immediately had the desired effects, stemming the incursions of livestock and bringing the desired benefits in relation to productivity.
The project has been a success not only in material terms of effectiveness and efficiency but also with respect to the consolidation of human and interrelational relations within the community.