Truck Shipment
On 11.28.2019, the shipment of the truck containing computer, sports, health and educational material necessary to support the activities in progress and for the implementation of the new project "computer classroom" started.
The association sincerely thanks Mulino Maroggia, Centro Sistemi Informativi Cantonale, servizio informatico della Clinica Luganese, sezione Seniori FCL, Mic Mac Promotion Sagl, Prodir Pagani Pens SA, Farmacia Fenice Pedrazzetti SA, Driver Center Agom Bioggio, Terrani Benne Sagl and in particular Alessandro Fontana and Federico Riva (Mulino Maroggia), Florian Stallone (CSI), Giorgio Marchesano (Clinica Luganese), Maurizio Uysal and Renato Vospi (FCL), Davide Belometti (Mic Mac), Numa Pedrazzetti (Pedrazzetti SA), Yaschin Basso (Driver Center Agom) and Valerio Terrani (Terrani Benne) for the precious and generous support provided.